Top 10 Tips for Long Hair

  1. Make sure you are washing your hair with the right shampoo and conditioner If you’re using an oily hair shampoo and you have fine hair – your hair will feel lifeless and flat. If you have color-treated hair– using the right shampoo will help the color last longer.
  2. Rinse your hair with cool or lukewarm water. Rinsing it with hot water can cause hair damage to the cuticle.
  3. When you come out of the shower and need to dry wet hair – don’t rub it in a towel. Use the towel to lightly dab and wring the moisture out of your hair. Don’t let it dry in a towel turban – this causes hair breakage over time.
  4. Brush your hair with a natural bristle hair brush (try and avoid plastic brushes). Detangle wet hair gently with a wide tooth comb and some detangling spray. Be gentle with wet hair, it can stretch more when wet and is more prone to breakage
  5.  Clean your brushes regularly by soaking them in warm water and shampoo for 5 minutes and removing stray hairs.
  6. Avoid using the hairdryer and heat styling tools every day. This dries out your hair and takes the shine away if you do it too often. Even better if you try and let your hair air dry whenever you can! Use snag-free hair elastics on your hair to prevent breakage.
  7. After swimming in the pool or at the beach wash your hair with a mild-cleansing shampoo to remove saltwater, chlorine and pollutants.
  8. Protect your hair from UV damage by using a protective conditioner with sunscreen in it when you go out in the sun. It not only protects your hair from sun damage but also keeps color-treated hair fresh.
  9. Don’t neglect your scalp, it can also get sunburnt and dry – lightly spray in leave-conditioner to moisturize all day and rub some pure jojoba oil on your scalp if it feels itchy. You can also put the jojoba oil on your ends – it’s light oil that mimics the natural oils of your hair so it won’t feel heavy at all!
  10. Deep condition your hair with a moisturizing hair masque once a week. If you have thin or fine hair, don’t apply conditioner on the scalp to avoid having it go flat.


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